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Phi Upsilon Chapter officers for 

November 2022 - November 2024 Term

Frank Dookie_profile

Chapter Basileus
Bro. Frank Dookie

My motto is never stop trying!!! My Christian heritage asks much of me. But, embracing and executing on the challenges brings me a sense of accomplishment. I am a humble member of this organization and am focused on our UPLIFT principle.


I am an entrepreneur. I own a healthcare consulting firm, I am a real estate agent and serve as a volunteer on several community boards. My undergraduate degree is in Economics and my Master Degree is in Healthcare Management.


My personal missions are: Improve Health; Improve Education; Reduce Homelessness; Reduce Hunger.

Chapter Vice Basileus
Bro. William Burton

I live by two mantras; Many hands, make light work and When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at, change.


Both of these are reminders that if we come together as a unit with service as the motive, we are capable of exposing our people to a world of endless opportunities. UPLIFT is my passion. 


I manage Technical Services at a state university and entrepreneur.    

William Burton_Profile
Jerry Henderson

Keeper of Record & Seal
Bro. Jerry Henderson

Sylvester Knox_Profile

Keeper of Finance
Bro. Sylvester Knox

James Slyke

Editor To The Oracle
Bro. James Slyke

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omega symbol transperant
omega symbol transperant
David Morton

Bro. David Morton 

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Keeper of Peace

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